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Asian Services

Our Asian Service is dedicated to providing Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, and Japanese-speaking communities in Auckland with culturally and linguistically appropriate support.
At Age Concern Auckland, we understand the importance of ensuring that all of our services and activities are accessible to everyone, regardless of their language or cultural background.
Our Asian Service team works diligently to bridge the communication gap and ensure that our services are delivered in a manner that is respectful and responsive to the unique needs of the Asian community.
We are proud to offer this specialized support to our older Asian people and are committed to promoting diversity and inclusivity in everything we do.

Services include:

  • Accredited Visitor Service for the Asian community to help reduce social isolation and loneliness
  • Health Promotion activities and workshops in Mandarin , Cantonese and Korean
  • Dedicated Social Workers providing individual casework and group education sessions to address the abuse, neglect and social issues impacting Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, and Japanese-speaking older people

For more information, contact our Asian Services team.
Click here to email us or
09 820 0271 (Mandarin/Cantonese)

Chinese Interest Classes

On the North Shore we run weekly classes facilitated by Chinese older people and run by volunteers. Classes include: English Conversation to enable Chinese-speaking older people to communicate with more people in their local community; dancing; singing and art.
For more information   021 975 208 or click here to email us.

Digital Literacy Training

We provide Digital Literacy Training specifically tailored to older people in Auckland who speak Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, and Japanese. Our goal is to ensure that these individuals have the appropriate skills and knowledge to benefit from the digital world, increase their trust and confidence in carrying out online activities and services, stay connected with their loved ones, and keep up with the ever-changing technology.
For more information  for click here to email us.


On behalf of the English Conversation Group, I’d like to say a very big thank you from the bottom of my heart, to all our dedicated English tutors.
You’ve been very patient, encouraging, and enthusiastic in sharing your knowledge in teaching English. We want to learn English so that we can better blend into the local community. 
We like to make friends with the Kiwis, and be able to talk to them, mutually exchanging cultural and living habits. 
We hope to be of service to give back to the community, doing what we can, within our abilities, in providing volunteer services too. 
The ability to, speak in English enable(s) us to handle our daily activities more confidently, for example, to better understand New Zealand’s legal requirements, taking public transport,
doing banking, seeking medical advice, or making enquires at the Work & Income office, etc. 
Thank you!  

Charity Name: Age Concern Auckland Trust
Registration Number: CC60750