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Communications Preferences

Help Shape the Future of Our Communications

Age Concern Auckland has always valued staying connected with you through our quarterly newsletter. However, due to financial challenges, we are unable to continue producing it in its current format. We are committed to finding new ways to keep you informed and engaged, and your input is essential in shaping how we communicate moving forward.

Please take a few minutes to complete this short survey—your feedback will help us create a communication approach that best meets your needs. 

You can complete the questionnaire online below or [download it here], fill it out, and return it using one of the following methods:

📍 In Person – Drop off your completed questionnaire at any of our three offices:

  • North Shore: 177B Shakespeare Rd, Milford, Auckland 0620
  • Central & West: 57 Rosebank Rd, Avondale, Auckland 1026
  • Counties Manukau: Cambria Park Homestead, 250 Puhinui Rd, Papatoetoe, Auckland 2025

✉️ By Post – Mail it to:
P.O. Box 19542, Avondale, Auckland 1746

📧 By Email – Scan or photograph your completed questionnaire and email it to:

Thank you for your support! 😊


1. How important is the Age Concern Auckland quarterly newsletterfor you?
2. Do you have access to emails on a mobile phone or computer device?
3. Do you have access to social media on a mobile phone or computer device?
4. How would you prefer to receive updates and communications from Age Concern Auckland in the future?
(please specify)
5. What types of information or content would be the most useful for you?
(please specify)
6. Do you have any other comments or suggestions regarding future communications that you would like to share?
Your E-mail Address

Charity Name: Age Concern Auckland Trust
Registration Number: CC60750